5 Easy and Delicious Breakfasts Under 15 Minutes

Break fast

Good morning readers! As a longtime chef, I know how tough it can be to find time to eat a healthy breakfast in the mornings, especially when you're running late. But starting your day off right is so important for both your physical and mental wellbeing. With a little planning and practice, it's totally possible to whip up a quick nutritious breakfast in under 15 minutes flat. 

In this post, I'm sharing five of my fastest and tastiest breakfast recipes that will power you through the morning without spending hours in the kitchen. Whether you're grabbing something on your commute or enjoying a leisurely morning at home, there's an option here for everyone. Let's dive right in!

 Table of Contents

1. Spinach, Tomato & Feta Scramble

2. Peanut Butter & Banana Smoothie 

3. Whole Wheat English Muffin Pizza

4. Crunchy Granola Parfaits

5. Overnight Oats

 Spinach, Tomato & Feta Scramble


- 3 eggs

- 1⁄4 cup fresh spinach 

- 1⁄4 cup diced tomato

- 2 tbsp crumbled feta cheese

- Pinch of salt and pepper

Prep Time: 5 minutes  

Difficulty: Easy

Nutritional Value: This protein-packed scramble is loaded with vitamins A, C and K from the tomatoes and spinach. The eggs provide a hearty dose of minerals while the feta adds calcium and flavor. 

Materials Needed: Small frying pan, spatula, plate.


1. Crack the eggs into a small bowl and whisk with a fork until combined. 

2. Heat a small non-stick pan over medium heat. Once hot, add the egg mixture.

3. As the eggs start to set, gently stir with a spatula while breaking the curds into smaller pieces. 

4. Once mostly set but still a little runny, remove from heat and stir in the spinach, tomato and feta. Season with salt and pepper.

5. Serve hot in the pan or slide onto a plate. Enjoy!

This egg scramble comes together in a flash and is very customizable - feel free to mix up the veggies and cheeses to your liking. The portions are also adjustable depending on your appetite. Leftovers will keep well in the fridge for another day.

 Peanut Butter & Banana Smoothie


- 1 medium banana 

- 1/2 cup milk of choice (dairy, almond, oat etc.)

- 2 tbsp natural peanut butter

- Ice (optional)

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Difficulty: Easy 

Nutritional Value: This smoothie provides fiber, protein and antioxidant-rich banana. The peanut butter adds healthy fats and extra protein while the milk adds calcium and vitamins. Feel free to add a scoop of protein powder if desired.

Materials Needed: High-powered blender, cups or mason jar. 


1. Break banana into pieces and add to blender with milk and peanut butter.  

2. Blend on high speed until completely smooth and creamy, about 1 minute. 

3. For a chilled consistency, add a few ice cubes and blend until incorporated.

4. Pour into cups and enjoy!

This simple two-ingredient smoothie comes together in minutes. I like to prep the ingredients the night before so it's ready to blend and go in the mornings. Feel free to adjust proportions to your tastes - more banana for thicker creaminess or extra peanut butter for added protein and flavor.

 Whole Wheat English Muffin Pizza


- 2 whole wheat English muffins, split 

- 1/4 cup marinara sauce

- 1/2 cup shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese

- Toppings of choice (e.g. spinach, tomatoes, pepperoni)

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Difficulty: Easy

Nutritional Value: The English muffins provide whole grains for steady energy. The marinara and cheese give this breakfast protein, calcium and immune-boosting nutrients like Vitamin C. Toppings can be customized for extra flavor and nutrients. 

Materials Needed: Baking sheet, spoon.


1. Preheat broiler to high and line a baking sheet with foil for easy clean up.

2. Place English muffin halves cut sides up on prepared sheet. 

3. Spread each half with 1 tbsp marinara sauce. 

4. Top with desired veggies and meats then sprinkle with cheese.

5. Broil 4-5 minutes until cheese is golden brown. 

6. Allow to cool slightly then enjoy!

This homemade breakfast pizza comes together in a jiffy. For a make-ahead option, refrigerate topped but unbaked muffins and broil minutes before eating. Add spicy sausage or spinach and tomato for extra flavor and nutrition.

 Crunchy Granola Parfaits


- Homemade Granola (see recipe below)

- Greek yogurt (plain or flavored)

- Fresh fruit such as berries

- Honey or maple syrup for drizzling (optional)

Prep Time: 5 minutes (not including granola prep time)  

Difficulty: Easy

Nutritional Value: Protein and probiotics from Greek yogurt plus fiber, healthy fats and nutrients from homemade granola. Fruits add antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Together this makes for a balanced breakfast. 

Materials Needed: Mason jars or parfait cups, spoons.


- 3 cups oats 

- 1/2 cup seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, etc.)

- 1/3 cup coconut flakes or chopped nuts

- 1/3 cup oil (coconut, olive, etc.)

- 1/3 cup maple syrup or honey

- 1 tsp vanilla

Granola Method

1. Preheat oven to 300°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients. 

3. In a small bowl, whisk the wet ingredients then pour over dry and stir to coat.  

4. Spread mixture onto prepared sheet in an even layer. 

5. Bake 30-40 mins, stirring halfway, until golden brown. Allow to cool before serving. Keeps well in an airtight container. 

Parfait Method:

1. In jar or cup, layer Greek yogurt, granola and fresh fruit.


2. Drizzle with honey or syrup if desired.

3. Enjoy!

These yummy parfaits are so versatile. Make individual portions or a big batch to enjoy all week. Feel free to sub crunchy ingredients like oats or seeds.

 Overnight Oats 


- 1/2 cup oats 

- 1/2 cup milk of choice

- 1 tbsp nut butter, honey or brown sugar

- Toppings: Nuts, seeds, fresh or dried fruit

Prep Time: 5 minutes 

Difficulty: Easy 

Nutritional Value: Complex carbs from oats plus protein from nuts provide long-lasting energy. Dried fruit adds natural sweetness and nutrition. Easy customization makes this breakfast highly nutritious. 

Materials Needed: Mason jar or container


1. In a jar, layer oats then milk and sweetener. 

2. Top with various nuts, seeds or dried/fresh fruit. 

3. Seal jar and refrigerate overnight.

4. In the morning, top with fresh fruit or extra milk if desired consistency is thicker.

5. Enjoy chilled!

These make-ahead oats require no cooking yet are very satisfying. Mix and match ingredients to suit your tastes. Prep individual jars for each night or bulk batch for grab-and-go convenience. Oats are also highly portable as breakfast-on-the-go.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Can these recipes be made dairy-free/vegan/gluten-free?

A: Absolutely! Simply substitute non-dairy milks, vegan cheeses/yogurts and gluten-free grains as needed. For example, almond or oat milk works well in smoothies, follow your heart vegan cheese on English muffin pizza and brown rice or quinoa overnight oats.

Q: Is it okay to double or halve the recipes?  

A: Yes, feel free to adjust serving sizes as needed. The methods and cook times will remain similar whether you're prepping for one or a family. 

Q: Can I prep any ahead of time?

A: Many of these recipes are very make-ahead friendly! Granola, overnight oats and smoothie ingredients can all be prepped a few days in advance. English muffin pizzas and scrambled eggs will also keep well in the fridge for 2-3 days.

In closing, I hope these easy and delicious breakfast ideas provide some healthy morning inspo the next time you're short on time. Whether enjoyed solo or shared with family, a nutritious breakfast sets the tone for your whole day. Please let me know if you try any of these recipes - I'd love to hear how they turn out! Wishing you all a wonderful rest of your day.